Tennessee Far-Left Gun Control Activist Announces Race Against GOP Whip

A far-left gun control activist announced earlier this week that she will run against Tennessee House Majority Whip Johnny Garrett (R-Goodlettsville) in the state’s 45h House District.

“I’m a mom, former teacher, and gun violence prevention advocate who is ready to fight for our kids. Join the movement today,” said Alison Beale Wednesday on X, formerly Twitter, imploring followers to visit her website to donate to her campaign.

“I never set out to be a politician. I’m just a person who genuinely cares about Tennessee kids and families. And like any mom, I’m doing what I need to do,” Beale’s campaign website says.

Beale (pictured above, right) said she has worked for years with the Akilah Dasilva Foundation, founded after Dasilva was shot and killed at a Waffle House in Antioch in 2018, which says its mission is to “prevent gun violence and other forms of violence and victimization, through education and awareness by creating a culture of engaged youth and adults committed to identifying, intervening, and getting help for individuals who might be at risk of hurting themselves or others…”

Beale cites The Covenant School shooting in Nashville as part of the reason for her running for office.

The mass shooting, which Audrey Elizabeth Hale, who was transgender, committed in March, resulted in the deaths of six people, including three children. Hale left behind a manifesto that has yet to be released to the public despite ongoing federal lawsuits filed by the parent company of The Tennessee Star and other news outlets.

“It’s a critical time in Tennessee, and Tennesseans are demanding change. But change can’t happen when those in power are unmoved by tragedies in our community such as the Waffle House and Covenant mass shootings,” her website said. “If kids getting killed at school won’t prompt our elected officials to take meaningful action, nothing will.”

Specifically, Beale said on X that she wants to implement “storage laws, background checks on all gun sales, red flag laws, magazine capacity limits, permit/training requirements, waiting periods, and an assault weapons ban.”

Her platform, though largely based on gun control, also mentions education.

“My experience as an educator has instilled in me the importance of a holistic educational system. Our schools should focus not only on academic excellence but also on the well-being of our students and teachers,” according to Beale’s website. “I am a fierce advocate for educational equality and believe that every child deserves a high-quality and equitably-funded education regardless of their race, socioeconomic status, or zip code. By investing in education, we’re investing in the future of Tennessee.”

Garrett (pictured above, right), whose 45th House District is located northeast of Nashville, ran unopposed during the 2020 and 2022 election cycles.

The last time he was challenged was in 2018 when he won nearly 70 percent of the vote in a general election against Democrat Hana Ali.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X / Twitter.
Photo “Johnny Garrett” by Johnny Garrett. Photo “Alison Beale” by Alison Beale. 



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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee Far-Left Gun Control Activist Announces Race Against GOP Whip”

  1. Sim

    These “leftist” don’t understand that “GOVERNMENTS” are thousands of times more dangerous to citizens than “Criminals”,

    It’s why we have the “Second Amendment”.

    The last century saw over 120 million citizens murdered by “THEIR OWN GOVERNMENTS”.

    Anyone with “half a brain” can see that coming under Biden and his “CAN’T BUY OR SELL” without their “APPROVAL” banking.

    “WHY” is it Americans don’t associate “Citizens” with the “Soldiers” they send overseas to fight/die for the freedom of “Foreigners” , but let 5 or 6 citizens get killed here at home and it’s a disaster,

    We don’t have a “NOBILITY” class of people, Soldier, Cops, Citizens are all equal.

    If everybody was armed mass shooting would end, the idiots would soon be killed and only the ones with the sense not to pull a gun in public would survive.


    Citizens have a “DUTY” to use those guns against anyone trying to take away the “POWER” they reserved unto themselves,
    and without penalty.

    “All political power comes out of the barrel of a gun”.
    Mao Zedong


    This woman, like most woke leftists, is so far out of touch with the truth and facts she will be wasting her time running in the TN Assembly race. All one has to do is look at the cities that have strict gun control laws……they also have the highest murder rates BY GUN. Criminals do not follow the law. If schools truly wanted to protect our children there would be no school shootings. Take down ALL GUN FREE ZONE signs, no glass doors in the school, one way in/out during school hours with an armed guard at the door. The problem is not guns. The problem is leftist woke Americans that react on emotions and not facts and it is the facts that will keep our kids safe. The only answer for a bad person with a gun is a good person with a gun that knows how to use it.

  3. Teddy

    She should also talk to the DA about prosecuting criminals and locking them up.

  4. “I’m a mom, former teacher, and gun violence prevention advocate who is ready to fight for our kids. ”

    If she were legit, she would demand the release of the manifesto. The only way to find a solution to something, is to determine the cause, first. More posturing by the mentally-ill left.

  5. D.J.

    We don’t need gun control. We need criminal control.

  6. James Oliver

    A typical brain dead democrat who somehow believes criminals obey laws.We already have back ground checks,and it doesn’t matter how many so called common sense laws you have ,criminals will not obey them.

  7. Tim Price

    Ms Beale is just another liberal brainwashed person who believes every lie told by Biden and his band of Bastards.

  8. Bob S

    The most dangerous public places are gun-free zones.
    One of the first things Israel did following the Hamas attack was to make it EASIER for its citizens to obtain guns for protection.

  9. Randy

    Another academic who believes that more money and more regulation will solve a problem largely created by a failed academic ideology. Giving more crack to an addict does nothing but increase the desire for more crack.

  10. levelheadedconservative

    If she truly wants to “fight for our kids”, then she should embrace liberty. Our children need to be taught about our great freedoms here in the USA. They also need to be taught the value of human life. As an “educator”, she should hopefully understand the importance of education and embrace the proper education of children to involve every aspect of our responsibilities required to protect our freedoms. This includes proper use and handling of firearms at age appropriate levels.
    In case she wasn’t paying attention, and apparently she wasn’t, the Assembly passed a law which provides for an SRO in every school. This meaningful action is not to intimidate children, rather it is to allow for the trusting relationships to be built with authority figures while simultaneously providing a first line of defense should anyone think of harming the children.
    If only we could wrap our children in suits of armor, then they would be safe from everything – NOT. Of course we all want to keep them safe. What good is “safety” if they have no freedom? This country is built upon the very freedoms endowed upon all individuals. If we have strayed from the responsibilities required to maintain them, then the problem is NOT the freedom- the problem is the proper education of our youth to understand how important they are.
    Electing someone who does not understand this would be a tragic mistake.
